Sunday Thoughts

I have some thoughts I'd like to share with you.

Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons gave a tremendous show at Hartman Arena in Wichita Friday evening. The Four Seasons have been my favorite group since 1964. I got to shake his hand which was a real thrill.
He is playing in Dallas tonight and, if you have never attended one of his concerts, I highly encourage you to do so.

While Kathleen and I were attending the concert in Wichita Friday evening, our son, Brandon, was on his way home from north Kansas City. He saw a truck spin on the ice and roll four times. He tried to call 9-1-1 but it was overwhelmed by the number of accidents and it took forever to get through.
So, Brandon stayed with the driver for a full hour -- in the icy cold and drizzle -- until paramedics arrived! The driver had a broken leg and other potentially serious injuries. Brandon said the driver, toward the end of the hour, was starting to shout and begin to "lose it." So, he asked him what were his favorite musical groups and played those songs on his iTunes and sang with the driver to help take his mind off his pain and uncomfortable situation.

That was a tremendously charitable and Christian thing to do. Extremely proud of you, Brandon!


  1. Awesome, Brandon! You're a trooper!

  2. You should definitely be proud of a good son. It was a very human thing that he did.


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