IPCC's Global Warming 'Consensus' Falls Apart

While it is about two and a half years late, the last nail has gone into the coffin. Before you react, read the post at the link. The IPCC's reports have been judged to be unreliable.

Do I still believe humans, on balance, warm the planet? Yes! But, at a much slower rate than the IPCC has predicted. You've been reading that the entire history of this blog. That opinion of mine has been boosted by a resource I recently discovered. Dr. James Hansen of NASA, one of the world's strongest proponents of the catastrophic global warming theory, has been keeping a running verification of his famous 1988 forecast. See below.
Dr. Hansen's green line ("scenario A) represents the temperatures that were supposed to conform to the rising levels of CO2 we have in the atmosphere today. Scenario C was the expected temperatures if CO2 levels started dropped in the 1990's which, of course, didn't happen. Actual temperatures are even cooler than if CO2 levels had been greatly reduced! That hardly corresponds to the IPCC's hypothesis that CO2 is the dominant driver of climate.

It is not at all clear that slow warming is a bad thing, especially since earth's temperatures were warmer than today's in the Roman Warming (~2000 years ago) and during the Medieval Warm Period (~1000 years ago) according to the latest peer-reviewed paper. Plus, the long-term trend is down (see below).
Temperature trend for the last 2,000 years (down!). See paper at link immediately above. 
What about the recent heat waves being caused by 'global warming'? Nope. And, that conclusion is reached by my friend meteorologist Dr. Cliff Mass who is a believer that future global warming is a major challenge. Cliff is an excellent scientist even though we disagree as to the potential rate of future warming.

This is an important issue. Here is my recommendation: The heavily politicized IPCC's work is severely flawed. Let's restart the process with excellent scientists on both sides of the issue (the skeptics have been systematically excluded from the IPCC). With better science and less politics we can do a fresh examination of this issue. If, at that point, it appears action needs to be taken it will have significantly enhanced credibility.

Hat tip: WattsUpWithThat 


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