1000th Post on Meteorological Musings

This is the 1000th posting on the blog, so here is a three-in-one post.

Al Gore Heading for the Exits?
We learn from Reuters that Al Gore's firm is selling 100% of its stock in a carbon trading company. Details are here

We Are A Force of Nature!
David Suzuki, an environmental activist, says...

“We have become a force of nature … Not long ago, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, drought, forest fires, even earthquakes and volcanic explosions were accepted as “natural disasters or “acts of God.”  But now, we have joined God, powerful enough to influence these events.”

David is Canadian and there are some parts of that great nation where tornadoes are rare, so I'm hoping he doesn't mean the above literally. Otherwise, if he stands in the path of a tornado hoping to 'influence' the storm, he will literally find himself "joining God."

Hat tip:  Anthony Watts.

Thank you for the two thank you notes.
Authors love it when people like their books. I would like to thank the Kansas and Washington, D.C. readers of Warnings: The True Story of How Science Tamed the Weather for the nice cards I have received this week.

If you haven't checked out the book, go to the link above. It is terrific story of courage and overcoming the odds to save peoples' lives.

Kim and I appreciate all of our blog readers and hope you enjoy reading our blog!


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